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Sunday, August 15, 2010

traVelog: AIR, LAND, SEA... this is BALI

Wasssuppp Shaz: Preparations for Eid'l fitr at home has been tremendously... err how to say this.. VERY the MESSY to CLEAN! Repainting here and there and new furnitures and TVs n all.. What i can say is that my room is the cleanest and bacteria free! LOL

Now, BALI - Went on a cruise to limbongan island if i'm not mistaken. An ok place... the boat ride takes an hour from the mainland to the island. So if you're a sea sick kinda person please ensure that you have had your tablets in advance - if not juz eat it anyways! Coz i thought i won't have such problems coz i do travel to langkawi n pangkor... but mind you this is a 1 HOUR to go and 1 HOUR return back to mainland. Compared to your usual langkawi or pangkor trip... this is no where near there!

If you've watched the snorkeling video for this island, well don't really trust the video coz it really depends on the weather on the day and the previous days... coz the visibility under the water depends on the weather. Its a bit polluted... yes although we are far out in the ocean, can't really see much of the corals or the fishes.

We thought that this was just bcoz of the snorkeling area... so we went into the semi-submerge submarine and same... all we got was a BLUE SCREEN ... like when your PC goes bonkers.

The waves are good! The food here is ok... but of course salt water sea... make sure you have enough change of clothes, your own shower gel that really clean you up! Otherwise you're so gonna be SALTY when you reach back to the hotel. Mind you this is like a day trip from 8am till 5pm.

Overall, this trip is a GREAT ONE! Enjoyed every single bit of it with my bunch of friends... enjoy the piccas :)

All sorts of ships are docked here...

Even a French battle ship is here!

But we're juz on an excursion cruise k :) no battles for us...

The lifeguard on the other hand... has a battle to do! against the sun shine :P

Buffet lunch at the island... yes it's included in the package!

Semi submerged submarine! It's actually a ship with a basement viewing area!

All you see is pure BLUE sea!

Yea really we can't see anything... blue screen of death on ur PC!

We went on the BALI HAI CRUISE :)

Dinner was back at the hotel, awesome view from the observation deck :)

My friends in their beachwear :)

Wei Kit... wahh you arr so lucky to be with the girls!

I simply love this picca!!! Awesome view of the moon...

My other friends, we are getting ready to depart!

Happy enough that we got tanned here in BALI!

Yes we all went shopping! We came back to KL heavier not just in our luggage but tummy!

Ijan, Me and Rich! Kaki Photos!


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Hello, my name is Shaz (25)
Producer.Radio Announcer.Emcee.
AMP Radio Networks (ASTRO)


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