Leaked Info on DiGi's iPHONE Offer
Wasssuppp Shaz: I am pretty much a spy these days! Really - i am... i like to dig for infos, threat people to tell me stuffs... and break into corporate office and steal paperworks or electronic infos! Hmmm... I WISH :P LoL...i am not Shaz Bond!

Managed to get these Info's on DiGi's iPHONE Offer - leaked from err somewhere! Mwahhaha...i think! I am not sure tho.
But who cares??? - What's important are these SUPERB DEALS!!! Great Packages from DiGi for new iPHONE users and CURRENT ones!
Pssttt... don't tell anyone about this ok! If not i might get detained! (i think) :( On second thoughts... TELL EVERYONE!!!
Note: Please click on the images to get a bigger picture on the plans!

PSS: What i pay on my current BLUE or was it PURPLE Telco now is DOUBLE than what DiGi's offering!!! Time to CHANGE to DiGi for me in August after my contract with M....MMM ends!
Labels: DiGi iPHONE Offer, DiGi iPHONE Plan, DiGi Malaysia, DiGi Telco, iPHONE, Leaked Info on DiGi iPHONE Plan, Spy
Digi 3G coverage is still not that wide yet. Especially where I stay lol. No 3G.
Eh are you sure this is for real?
What is your source?
Trust me its real! I dont have time to create a brochure for a company i dont work for :P And i dont have Photoshop! Hahahah...
Yes its REAL! :) Believe me.
Bcoz its time for me to change to DG - MNP'ing from MAXIS!
bye bye RM 160 a month.. HELLO RM88 a month :)
i work at an advertising agency, and i am quite familiar with this stuff. These are the FA (Finished Artwork), which means it is already at the final stages of design. There may be some minor changes, but rest be assured, the pricing and plans would be confirmed.
Naga DDB services Digi (as shown on the bottom, the FA approval), luckily the names of the copywriters and other guys are not in there. Nonetheless, the whole team servicing DiGi is pretty fucked if DiGi knows the leak.
that's awesome. shocking news. great. thanks for sharing the news with us, mate.
You are naughty boy.... punish you.
Hahahah adrian here, someone is going to get a hurt real bad..
haha now the correct time for me to change phone...errrmmm.. i mean get new one XD
It's all a genius marketing stunt! They leaked it on purpose! I bet DiGi paid you for this advertorial didn't they?? Bravo!
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