Happy B'day Thong Kai
Wasssuppp Shaz: Murni's Discovery, i've been a loyal fan of this "mamak" recently... and yes i am still on a diet! Many people think going on a diet is eat less and all... NO... WRONG! It's eat RIGHT and if possible space out your meals and have smaller meals throughout the day and oh yeah... not to forget know what you eat, because you are what you eat!

There's a certain type of training at the gym that i do that will ensure me burning off what i eat within the next few hours after that... yes! That's what's maintaining me! Unless you are on a LOW CARB diet. Well i've been trying to resist the temptations of "Spaghetti Beef Meat Bomb" at Murni's the past few days and i'm going there tonight to EAT IT ALL UP!
Don't worry... rest assured that what i eat will be burned off and turned into energy that i will use! Anyways for more health tips and gym tips... check out Jakeman's blog! I'm going to try my very best to stay on a good healthy diet and watch what i eat and make sure that i only go for carbs (hi-intakes) on weekends only! Hahah...
Happy Birthday Buddy: Thong Kai's birthday recently and he celebrated it at Korean House BBQ in SS2. Unfortunately it's non Halal, therefore i only went there at the very end for like 15 mins to say hi and wish him a happy birthday! Heheheh... Met up with a couple of friends that i've been wanting to meet up... but we all no time! Hahaha... nice meeting up with Eugene, EuVeng, Renee, Stephen, Joel, and Joshua!
Birthday celebrations... dang alot of ppl's bday this month! And i am yet to meet up with Lex to celebrate hers! Hehehe don't worry... soon soon.


Eugene & Joy

Joshua & Eu Veng

Rebecca being harrassed by Joshua... WHERE's the TOILET?

Rebecca answers: THe toilet is HEREEE!!

Baby smile baby...smile!!!

Yayyy he smiled :)

The vast difference between Joshua and ME! Hahaha

Err Joshua is 23 or was it 24 :P
Labels: Aman Suria, Beef Meat Bomb, Botakai, Botakajak, Diet, Gym, Mamak, Murni's Discovery, Sunway Mas, Tan Thong Kai Birthday Celebration
ahahaha thanks for the pics bro :D
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